Tuesday 8 February 2011

Flock and Foil:
My first attempt at Flock came out quite well, although there
must have been a few gaps in
the screen as the flock has come out in place where i didn't want it. My first
attempt was done on card and the colour of the flock wasn't as nice as i had thought it was when i fist chose it.

I feel the foil came out a lot better then the flock and gave a nicer effect. This was my first attem
pt at foil and it was do
ne on card.

This is the second attempt i did at Flock but this time i did it on kaliko material which i think gave a nicer effect compared to on card as the lines are thinner giving the l
ogo a more feathery effect.

My second attempt at foil on the kaliko material didn't come ou
t as well as i thought it would compared to the card i think this might of been my fault for maybe putting one to many pulls of glue through the screen, making it blotchy in areas and the lines slightly thicker.


This was my first attempt at drypoint, im not sure why it didn't work as i followed the process. you can see the faint pattern of my logo.

This drypoint attempt didn't work either, but when pressing my paper against the etching, it came out, so maybe i just didn't have enough ink on it. I did about 6 attempts but these were the only 2 that came out.

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