Sunday 20 March 2011


When we first were given the first half of this project brief for printing, i thought i would have a huge advantage as ive done some printing and laser cutting before. But when it came down to it there was a lot, i haven't done before, such as flock and foil and lino printing. I have enjoyed trying out all the techniques.

For my logo design i chose a feather which i was also using for my Vis Com project, so i could develop more ideas for both projects.

I feel i have used my time productively and planned out my time well to make use of the print room whenever i could including after college on mondays and tuesdays, to skip the last minute rush before the deadline.

I think that the print process of flock and foil was really effective when used in the right way, It was quite a simple process to learn and i really enjoyed it.
When trying out the drypoint technique, it didn't really work, I feel this was due to wiping to much ink off the print, but some other people had the same problem also.

When receiving the next part of the project i don't really think it appealed to me much. But when i started to research into ideas and artists that surround darkness, i found it quite interesting. After creating a mind map about darkness i came up with a lot of ideas, I chose to base my project on fears.

I chose to use a lamp to print on as the prints would create a shadow when the light shines through, making your fears come true. After asking my course mates what they feared i tried to draw some of them. I decided on using a clown as my print and the words 'you can scream but no one will hear you'. I feel this worked well.

I was going to use the laser cutter and print screening as my two techniques, but the deadline for the project was only 3 weeks long including reading week, and the laser cutter was booked up, so i dropped the idea and played it safe with print screening and flocking. When i found out that the deadline had then been moved, it was like a weight lifted. I used the extra time to perfect my design.

I had a problem when flocking as the lamp i used deformed due to the heat of the press, and the flock didn't stick as well as i would have liked it to. The screen printing on the other hand went well and i think my colour choice worked well with my design.

If i were to do this project again i would make a prototype before going straight onto printing on the lamps, so i could see how effective the design would be, and whether it for filled its visual qualities as the lampshade was to dark for the print to show through as a shadow.

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