Sunday 20 March 2011

Finished Prints

When making up the screen, there was to much emulation on it, so when washing it off, it created small holes in the screen allowing the ink to bleed through in unwanted places.

I used a dark flock for my first attempt at printing onto my lampshades.Unfortunately this didn't turn out half as well as i would of like it to. I forgot when placing my lampshade and flock into the press, that the heat would make the lampshade deform due to the heat on the plastic.
Even though it didn't turn out that well, i quite like the warped look of the

I really like how my second attempt at printing onto the lampshade turned out. I chose to use a dark red to print with as i felt it would be appropriate with my theme of fears. Where the screen had holes in, the ink bled through. I feel this made a really good effect, much like blood splatters- which i hadn't intended on making on the print.

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